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Open sourcing GovCMS training manuals
GovCMS and Salsa have open sourced the GovCMS content administration manual and site building manual.
More open source. More open government
Salsa is excited to announce another open source contribution to community.
Today we’ve open sourced the GovCMS training manuals.
Salsa has created two manuals on behalf of GovCMS:
Content administration manual — for content authors and approvers to help them get the most out of GovCMS.
Site builder — for developers working with GovCMS, to help them upskill in GovCMS8.
The manuals are now available on Github:
Open source documentation
The manuals are open source, which means they’re licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In the open source community spirit, we’re keen to improve the training documentation with community suggestions. All suggestions will be managed in the corresponding Github repository:
How you can contribute
There are two ways you can contribute to these manuals:
Github — Create an issue on the relevant training documentation repository and we’ll review with GovCMS for prioritisation.
Email — Email with your feedback and suggestions. We’ll raise an issue on the training repository on your behalf and review with GovCMS for prioritisation.
Please reference the section of the training manual in your Github issue/email.