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Digital Transformation in Government Insight #90:
State of the Data and Digital Nation report

The Australian Digital Council’s State of the Data and Digital Nation provides a summary of data and digital transformation policies, products, services and other initiatives around Australia, covering both federal and state/territory programs.

Salsa Digital 17 September 2019

State of the Data and Digital Nation

Earlier this year, the Australian Digital Council released a report that looks at all the data and digital initiatives around Australia, covering both federal and state/territory projects. State of the Data and Digital Nation provides an excellent overview of what’s happening around Australia and is a good resource for everyone interested in, or involved in, digital transformation in government (DTIG). Importantly, pages 4-5 (PDF version) show a summary of every initiative within key themes around Australia. This will give you a quick snapshot of what’s going on around the country.

The themes

The report separates the data and digital initiatives into six key themes:

  1. Policy and strategy
  2. User experience
  3. Products and services
  4. Service enablers
  5. Internal capabilities
  6. Data sharing and linking

The report then goes through each theme, giving a quick overview of what the theme entails and its importance. Next in each section comes a great visual summary  a table with the left column containing eight small maps (a map of Australia for federal and then a map of each state/territory) with the corresponding policies/projects/services/products listed next to each jurisdiction. This provides another handy overview of what’s happening across Australia.

The report then provides summary information on a selection of case studies for each theme.


Policy and strategy

This theme looks at the plans set up to foster digital transformation and open data. Case study examples include:

  • The Northern Territory’s Digital Territory Strategy and 2018-19 action plan

  • Queensland’s Digital Health Strategy

  • Victoria’s Data Reform Strategy

  • Australia’s Digital Transformation Strategy


User experience

The user experience section looks at centring the digital user experience around life events and making government services accessible. Case study examples are:

  • Tasmania’s digital inclusion program

  • The Digital Transformation Agency’s life event communities

  • Australian Capital Territory’s Birth of a Child pilot focusing on an end-to-end client pathway

  • The Northern Territory’s outback connections program to boost mobile phone coverage


Products and services

This theme covers service unification and streamlining processes for Working with Vulnerable People Checks. Case study examples are:

  • South Australia’s Common Digital Forms platform

  • Victoria’s new customer service agency, Service Victoria

  • Victoria’s Single Digital Presence (not surprisingly we like this mention — for more information read our blog Creating a Single Digital Presence for our citizens)

  • New South Wales’ digital driver’s licence and fuel check (real-time fuel prices around the state)


Service enablers

The service enablers section looks at digital identity and new platforms for managing web content. Case study examples are:

  • New South Wales’ focus on transforming internal processes to realise efficiencies

  • ACT’s vision for end-to-end digital

  • Australia’s myGovID

  • Victoria’s Engage Victoria, a whole-of-government digital engagement platform (this project was a finalist in the global GovCX Awards — see DTIG #57 for more information)

  • Western Australia’s Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) to capture, consolidate and make publicly available data from approximately $32 million of industry surveys each year


Internal capabilities

This theme looks at building skills inside the public sector, the use of cloud computing and cyber security initiatives. Case study examples are:

  • Western Australia’s GovNext, for ICT procurement reform

  • New South Wales’ Data Analytics Centre for world-class capabilities in whole-of-government data analytics

  • The Victorian Centre for Data Insights (VCDI), transforming the way government uses data

  • Victoria’s whole-of-Victorian-government API program (see DTIG #83 for more information)


Data sharing and linking

Data sharing and linking captures data sharing legislation, building data analytics capabilities, and pursuing the open data movement. Case study examples are:

  • New South Wales’ Their Futures Matter, a combined vulnerability dataset to support out-of-home-care reform

  • Australia’s federal data-sharing initiatives, such as legislation and The Data Integration Partnership for Australia

  • The Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017

  • WA Data Linkage System for secure data linkage while protecting privacy


About the Australian Digital Council

We blogged about the Australian Digital Council at the start of this year (see DTIG blog #73 on the Council). The Council was set up in late 2018 and fosters collaboration between the states and federal government. It’s an important initiative that will have great benefits to knowledge sharing across the public sector in Australia.

Salsa Digital’s take

State of the Data and Digital Nation provides an overview of what’s happening around Australia and is a good way for all public sector employees to be aware of what their neighbours are doing and how we can all work together to improve data and digital initiatives in Australia.

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