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Emergency Volunteer Register website

While most organisations were starting to wind down and close their doors over the Christmas break, the elves at Salsa Digital were hard at work on some new and exciting web projects.

Stephen R 13 April 2015

While most organisations were starting to wind down and close their doors over the Christmas break, the elves at Salsa Digital were hard at work on some new and exciting web projects. The day before Christmas a new project arrived from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) detailing a plan to migrate the Victorian Emergency Volunteer Register to a new platform.

The existing Emergency Volunteer Register had been built on the SquizMatrix CMS platform as part of the Victorian Government’s Volunteering Portal. The Volunteering Portal was already in the process of being migrated to Drupal CMS. However, the registration functionality was to be rebuilt as an independent website to support future strategic directions for the Emergency Volunteer Register.

Salsa Digital would need to complete a like-for-like rebuild of the registration form and volunteer profile functionality using the Drupal Acquia platform, yet skin the visual look of the website so that it would appear integrated with the rest of the Volunteer website. The new website would be placed on the same server platform as the Emergency Relief & Recovery website (click for details), and performance testing would also need to be undertaken to ensure no adverse effects would occur on either site as a result of them sharing the infrastructure.

Although already starting to sound challenging, there was also one important catch - the register had to be rebuilt and migrated by the last day of January and no later.

With our development team tied up on other projects for the rest of December and most of January - not to mention a few days for opening Christmas presents - a creative resourcing solution needed to be devised in order to meet the six-week deadline.

Through clever scheduling and some long hours invested by our dedicated team of engineers Salsa Digital was able to have the new site up and running by January’s end.

You can view the registration portal at:

Salsa Digital loves a good challenge. If you have a project that requires a creative solution, get in touch - we’d love to see if we can help out.

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