Born in Vietnam, grew up and worked in Melbourne in various accounting, audit and business analyst roles, then moved to Thailand due to husband's work commitments. We lived there for a long time, experiencing a very interesting culture and life. While there, worked as a lecturer at nearby university, had many volunteer roles in the orphanage and centres for disadvantaged children and children with disabilities. Had our twins in Thailand and then started my own children's playcentre business because at that time there was nothing safe and clean for kids to play in and develop their motor skills. Moved back to Melbourne and currently re-establishing my accounting career.
Bachelor of Economics (Accounting)
Started a business - children's playcentre - in a foreign country
Applied my accounting/business analyst skills in my role as lecturer at a university in Thailand
Completed first ever 8km swim in May 2019 for a fund raising event in support of mental health
Love doing my yoga, swimming and being with my kids, taking them to places, and listening to them play in orchestras and bands